Marion Osmann
Marion Osmann

Marion Osmann was born in Austria in 1972. She is a graduate of couture designer; she worked as a fashion maker and costume designer in various places of Vienna for example Kammeroper, Graz and the Cayman Islands since 1996. Since 2001 she reawakens architectural old buildings into new living homes as a part of a consultancy and planning agency. After one year of timeout in Italy, France and Berlin she lives with her husband and her 3 children in Vienna since 2012. Since 2000 she has been a photographer after studying with Winfried Mateyka in Berlin.

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When I was a little girl, I had a wish to own a very secret button. One that I could press to capture moments of blessed luck, great fortune and auspiciousness. To catch every fulfilling Moment that I could then place into a little box which I could re open and visit at anytime.

I must have been about 3 years old when a friend of my family took this picture. Even today I can feel the rough wood of the shed on my back, I still can see the sun, which made me blink, I still feel the warmth of my red woolen dress. The titillation of the fly on my knee. In this moment I was completely myself. Only today can I realize that the person behind the camera must have felt this moment in the same way.

Today, I fill this magical box with an accumulation of happy moments. Each and every picture is me. With my eyes I can touch this world strongly and fairly gentle for a second. And time will stand still. The magic of the moment will be preserved.

I am infinite grateful (beyond words) to have found this button.

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© Marion Osmann / Impressum